Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Borders and Bunkum

Since my last posting I have been toying with maps - yet again.  Looking at the borders of the State as shown in my earlier posting, I was dissatisfied with the shape of the territory.  There was an uncanny similarity to Cyprus and even modern-day Austria.

Although the territory was logical and the size fine - the shape needed tweaking.  I have done this by shifting the borders South and West by approximately 50 miles.  This has had the added bonus of giving me a short stretch of (mountainous) coastline with a couple of small towns.   Thus B-S is no longer land-locked.

I have no interest in naval power but the ability to send ships out on the high seas is a boon.  Minor colonial adventures can be undertaken and trade routes generated.  Indeed the presence of Red Indian servants at Court (long planned) is no longer so hard to justify.

At present, I am trying to get to grips with Campaign Cartographer.  Mostly, I find the interface to be fairly straightforward but I am having a great deal of trouble when it comes to borders abutting borders.  The software seems to prefer generating a random margin rather than in-filling an area.  Probably something I am doing (or not doing) but frustrating nonetheless.

Map will be posted in due course and then I can finally move on to what I had planned for last week!


  1. Typical map maker, already gaining new territory with the stroke of a pen. No doubt to be defended by the sword...

  2. I look forward to seeing your new map.

    -- Jeff

  3. Conquest by Cartpgraphy. the pen is indeed mightier ;-)

    Just beware of the depradations of the Barbary Corsairs:


  4. I have tried to give and take Capt Bill :-)

    Barabary Corsairs? Oh dear a new threat. Coupled with the Savage Turk my hands will be full...

  5. We too are fighting the savage Turk - and given where you are located we may well have fought you (we thought you lot were Austrians :D)

  6. Map is coming along but, beyond a certain point, the damn interface isn't very intuitive.

    I suspect the more it is played with the easier it becomes ;-P
