Having recovered from the dental surgery, I decided it was time to open the Northstar box and have a look at what I was sent.

Sadly, the news is not good. Having waited a goodly time for this "Christmas Present" I was expecting fun and excitement with perhaps a few miscasts. Reality is far more depressing. I would estimate approximately 25-30% of the order is defective. Most of the problems concern swords or (in fewer cases) the bayonets where the metal has not reached the ends of the moulds. That said, there are smooth faces, missing hands and a whole regiment of heavily pitted horses - perhaps they caught the pox? Odd - as the identically posed horses sent with the Austrian Generals are fine.
As I ordered from both their French and Austrian ranges the problems do not seem isolated.
I have emailed Nick (the proprietor) and will speak with him on Monday November 28th and explain the whole sorry mess. Initial responses have been positive. I trust he will put everything right - pronto - as he seems to be a decent chap. Unfortunately this has put the (temporary) mockers on B-S 1740 and really dented the old enthusiasm as this was the next item on the "to-do" list. I would have a drink but my medicine doesn't allow such frivolity.
Report to follow...
The road is rocky but don't let it stope you!