Thursday, 14 October 2010

St Hubertus Day Review

Shortly, our gracious ruler Reichsfürst Hubertus II will be enjoying the annual army review.  As usual this will be held on his Saint's day (November 3rd).

This year, pride of place will be given to the newly reorganised Cavalry arm - especially the Kürassiere of the "Leibgarde".

Sporting a splendid and (dare we say it) unique new uniform designed by his Highness, the troopers of the Household are expected to be most popular with the spectators.

For those unable to attend in person, full details of this most joyous occasion will be posted.

1 comment:

  1. "a splendid and unique new uniform": so promising!
    Looking eagerly forward to discover the Might of Beimbach-Schönau!
